We are proud to introduce the T-scan technology to our office! The T-scan is a device we can have you bite into that will digitally measure your bite. It can show areas of forces on your teeth that maybe pressing too hard and can show imbalances in your biting forces.
Why is this important? Imbalanced forces can cause breakdown and wear of your teeth which can lead to gum recession, bone loss, hyperactive jaw and neck muscles. The muscles can be over-tensed which may lead to migraines, facial pain, and or jaw joint(TMJ) pain.
After orthodontic treatment although your teeth may look straight your bite forces in many instances, will not be balanced. This is also the case in implant treatment and if you have had many crowns done. In most cases, we can use the T-scan and conservatively adjust the imbalanced force areas on your teeth to bring your oral health back into harmony. Ask us to perform a T-scan for you today!